Saturday, November 29, 2008
just gotta say, it's SO much better the second time round cause the first time i was like this overexcited bitch so yeah. i tell you, robert is way hotter this time (even though he was pretty damn smokin' the first time i watched it.)
oh. to all you rob lovers, that man doesn't wash his hair unless necessary. he has dandruff too. well, whatever i'd still do him any day. mm mm.
can't wait for the pirated dvd to be out. kissing scene ;D
jackson rathbone=sex on legs.
he'll be acting in S.darko next yr with ed westwick and james lafferty. something for ME to look forward to.
ok buhbye.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Jasper Whitlock Hale <3
after waiting half a year for the bloody movie to come out!
Well, despite all the bad reviews, I found the movie pretty damn good! Maybe it's just cause I love Twilight so much but still! It was so romantic. I was pretty pissed that they cut off the kissing scenes though so I youtubed it and omg THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT. it was the hottest shit. ever.
anyho, Jasper Hale was so freaking gorgeous even though he only had 2 lines and I styled my hair like Alice's yesterday. :D I LOVED THE BASEBALL SCENE! Seriously. it was freaking AMAZING. and i liked it when alice twisted james head. respect mann.
They really need to change Jacob's wig though. Or I'll probably die halfway watching New Moon (which is set to be released in 2010. so long.) I'm gonna go watch it again today with my mom :)
oh and to ely, tesh, daniel & dick. i know i made too much noise in the cinema. sorry for that seriously. you know me-.- damn overexcited. anyway i'll post up yest's pics when i get em frm tesh. bye :)
oh & dine bought tesh and i an I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN shirt. woot woot :) thanks dine.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
okay me being the dumbass that i am, woke up at 7 in the am because i thought it was 7pm. cant blame me okay. it was super dark and i usually wake up late. so i go shower and my mom comes in my room to pray and she was like.... why are you up so early. lol.
damn. -.-
so now it's 10am and im stuck here with nothing better to do. going to go watch the last episode of Dirty, Sexy, Money season 1. Samaire Armstrong is so pretty.
oh last night i went temporarily insane and just CHOPPED all my hair off. it's way shorter than it usually is, shorter than my short hair. gawd. well it doesnt look too good now but it'll look fine once it grown in i guess.
gonna hit the gym with jas later on and then off to ou to book my twilight tix :) i'm majorly excited to the extent that i took a picture with the twilight poster yesterday, but the pic's with jas :( hahah. shutup im not lame okayh!
:) k bye.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Is your hair up?: Nope.
Do you have a bf/ gf?: Nah, I wish I did.
Do you wish you were somewhere else?: Yeah.
Do you have plans for tonight?: Sleep.
Are you wearing makeup?: Nope
Are you wearing chapstick?: No
Are you cold?: Kinda.
Are you tired?: Yes
Are you excited?: YES! TWILIGHT!
Are you watching TV?: Nope.
Are you wearing pajamas?: Yea.
Who's the last person you IMed?: Teshadoodles.
Who's the last person that called you?: My dad I think?
Anything you regret?: Duh.
Ever lied?: Yeah.
Ever stuck gum under a desk?: NO!
Ever spit at someone?: Nopee. Eww.
Ever kick something living?: Hehehehe :D
Ever had your nails done?: Obvi.
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: Nah. I havent thrown up since forever.
Had any plans last week?: Nope -___-
Who did you see most last week?: My mom.
Was last week interesting?: Not at all.
Have you cursed?: Nope.
Have you yelled at someone?: not yet ;)
Have you gotten mad at someone?: Nope.
Have you cried?: No!
Have you called more than 3 people?: Nope.
Have you IMed more than 3 people?: Nope
Have you eaten anything gross?: Nope
Q. First thing you did this morning?: It is tmorning. And I'm reading fanfics.
Q. Last thing you ate?: An apple.
Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: Twilight, UK, Christmas, New Years.
Q. What's annoying you right now?: Nothing?
Q. What's the last movie you saw?: Er, Ballet Shoes.
Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: Nope.
Q Where is the last place you went?: Bangsar.
Q: Who is the last person you called?: No one
Q: Been cheated on?: Yeah.
Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?: No.
Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity): Love
Q: Do you wish on stars?: Not anymore.
Q: Does it work?: No.
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them of: Nooope.
Q: When did you last cry?: A few days ago watching OTH i think.
Q: Do you like your handwriting?: Ew,
Q: Are you a friendly person?: Not really?
Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?: Yeah.
Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?: Jackson Rathbone's-.- mine obviously right.
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?: Green.
Q: Do you have any pets?: No. My cat ran away.
Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?: Green.
Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?: Online.
Q: last person you talked to: Mom.
Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?: Last night.
Q: Look to your left: There's a book there.
Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeahh.
Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder?: Idk? Cant remember?
Q: Song that makes you cry?: The Nicest Thing by Kate Nash.
Q: Are you a normally happy person?: Yes
Q: Is your self-esteem low?: That's what they say.
Q: What color are your eyes?: Brown.
Q: Long or Short Hair: Both.
Q: Current Music?: Twilight Soundtrack.
Monday, November 24, 2008



Saturday, November 22, 2008
I bought the Twilight soundtrack today and shut up i'm not being lifeless okay -___-
Been googling the movie and it got like.... bad reviews. Let me paste one here since I have nothing to do and NOBODY is online.
Here are two good ones I found.
How can you start a critic roundtable without starting with the fat man himself? Here’s Roger Ebert, who didn’t exactly like the film, but seems to “get” enough of it to give it a pass:
“Twilight” will mesmerize its target audience, 16-year-old girls and their grandmothers. Their mothers know all too much about boys like this. I saw it at a sneak preview. Last time I saw a movie in that same theater, the audience welcomed it as an opportunity to catch up on gossip, texting, and laughing at private jokes. This time the audience was rapt with attention. Sometimes a soft chuckle, as when the principal Indian boy has well-developed incisors. Sometimes a soft sigh. Afterwards, I eavesdropped on some conversations. A few were saying, “He’s so hot!” More floated in a sweet dreaminess. Edward seemed to stir their surrender instincts.
Owen Gleiberman at EW gets it, too:
here are the not so good ones.For girls, the intense, ego-stroking appeal of Meyer’s novel was the way that Bella becomes this undead Byronic stud’s soul mate without quite knowing why she’s worthy. She’s a Kewl Generation damsel waiting to be rescued from her jaded heart. Stewart is an ideal casting choice — she conveys Bella’s detachment, as well as her need to bust through it. And getting Catherine Hardwicke to direct Twilight was a shrewd move, because the youthquake specialist of Thirteen treats teen confusion without a trace of condescension: She gets their grand passions and prickly defense mechanisms.
"Much of what made the relationship between Edward and the smitten Bella Swan work in Meyer's breezy book has been stripped away on screen," says Christy Lemire at The Associated Press, observing that the chemistry between Pattinson and Stewart simmers rather than boils. "The funny, lively banter — the way in which Edward and Bella teased and toyed with one another about their respective immortality and humanity — is pretty much completely gone, and all that's left is a slog of adolescent angst." Luke Y. Thompson asks, "What the hell was that I just watched?" and says Edward "chooses to dress like a whiny-sexy emo-boy." Then again, you might not want to put much stock into the fashion advice of a man who'd dye his own hair red, white and blue."
oooo anddd......
me being me, I STILL HAVE TO WATCH IT CAUSE ROBERT PATTINSON IS A *&Q#(*^(*#Q%^(*^#%Q(*#Q% (that's a swearword) SEXY BEAST
Jackson Rathbone is gorgeous. And hello, it's Twilight.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I read the book again today. For the 6th time. No, I'm not lifeless.
Ok I'm done crapping for the day.
Friday, November 21, 2008
But I'll be okay.
"your pushing and pulling me down to you, but i don't know what i want."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world.
I wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile,
I wish the way that I dressed was your favourite kind of style.
I wish you couldn't figure me out,
But you always wanna know what I was about.
I wish you'd hold my hand when I was upset,
I wish you'd never forget the look on my face when we first met.
I wish you had a favourite beauty spot that you loved secretly,
'Cos it was on a hidden bit that nobody else could see.
Basically, I wish that you loved me,
I wish that you needed me,
I wish that you knew when I said two sugars, actually I meant three.
I wish that without me your heart would break,
Yea, I wish that without me you'd be spending the rest of your nights awake.
I wish that without me you couldn't eat,
Yea, I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep."
- The Nicest Thing, Kate Nash.
God that song always wants me to burst into tears. The lyrics are all so... me.
Ma tête tourne. Je suis aussi solitaire que jamais.
Je ne peux pas dormir. Je déteste cela.
A propos de petites choses.
Et vous, vous, vous.
Je ne peux pas attendre à s'échapper.
Même juste pour un moment.
Il a été récemment pleut.
Lit. Pluie. Bliss.
Je veux oublier tout.
Les débats sans fin, j'ai avec moi-même
Dans ma tête.
Je veux être la fille que vous pouvez rester avec
Même lorsque je suis à ma pire.
Je ne vais pas me laisser ....
No, I don't speak french.
Finish the sentence. And to those who actually took the time to translate that, I'm NOT spilling. Anything.
And I've been hearing that people have been calling me shallow.
Well, takes one to know one right? I'm deeper than people think.
Ask my friends :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
1. are you lonely?- Occasionally.
2. are you happy?- Kind of. More bored then happy.
3. are you sad?- Nope.
4. are you Indonesian?- Nope.
5. are you expensive?- Duh.
6. are you blonde?- One day :D when i have the guts.
7. are you Irish?- Yes-.- are you stupid? ofcourse not.
9. are you desperate?- No-.-
10. are you male or female?- Femaleee
Ten facts
1. name: Iman
2. birthplace: Pantai Hosp.
3. real hair color: Brown.
4. Ethnicity: Egyptian-malay plus a shitload of other things? dunno my mom.
5. Talent: I roll my eyes really well?
6. birthday: 21 October
7. mood: Bored
8. favorite color: HOT PINK.
9. where do you live: Shah Alam
10. left or right handed: Right Handed
Ten things about your love life
1. do you love someone?- I'm not too sure what it is.
2. do you believe in love at first sight?- No.
3. who ended your last relationship?- I did.
4. have you ever hurt anyone emotionally?- Yeah? I guess so.
5. have you ever broken someone's heart?- Apparently.
6. longest relationship?- Idk.
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them?- HAHA. duh.
8. are you afraid of commitment?- Yeah, I guess I'm just waiting for someone right.
9. have you hugged someone within the last week?- Mhm.
10. have you ever had a "secret" admirer?- You tell me.
Ten this or that
1. love or lust: Love
2. accent or no accent: Accent babeh!
3. cats or dogs: Kitty.
4. a few best friends or many regular friends: A few bestfriends.
5. myspace or friendster: Myspace, but I dont have much friends on there.
6. pepsi or coke: Coke
7. wild night out or romantic night?: Romantic night
8. money or happiness: Happiness
9. night or day: Day. I hate the night
10. IM or msn : MSN
Ten have you evers
1. been caught sneaking out?- Pls la, im so innocent. Of course not.
2. been skinny-dipping with your bf/gf?- They would have to pay me first :D
3. done something you regret?- YESYESYES..
4. bungee jumped?- want me to die ah?
5. lied to someone you loved?- Yesh.
6. finished an entire jawbreaker?- *shyshy* yeah.
7. looked through a significant other's phone, email, myspace, etc. because you thought they were cheating on you?- Yeah.
8. wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend/date back?- HMM?
9. cried because you lost a pet?- HAHA no.
10. wanted to disappear?- Yeah.
Ten preferences
1. light hair or dark hair: LIGHT.
2. hugs or kisses: both?
3. shorter or taller: Taller
4. intelligence or attraction: Intelligence
5. Jeans or shorts: depends. if i'm like in a friggin cold place obviously jeans.
6. English or math: English.
7. hook-up or relationship: Relationship
8. do you want a girlfriend/boyfriend: Yeah.
9. sun or moon: Moon
10. day or night: Day
I tag :
Jia Shern&Chien Teng
Monday, November 17, 2008
You'll learn to hate me, but you still call me baby.
90210 is taking a shitload of time to load and I am craving Starbucks Green Tea Frap. Oh here's a few pics. Of the last day of school. Speaking of, I haven't blogged about that. It didn't exactly feel like the last day. All I did was wander around, read and take pics... oh and I ate. A LOT. I'll blog about my whole year during New Year's, not now.

just cus i look skinny here.sorry cousin :D
got more but they're with eelin.
oh and Bella's lullaby is freaking BEAUTIFUL.
i think they're together. so effing CUTE I SWEAR.
just skip to the last part. :D
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
the last day of magic, where are you?
im at jasmine's house (again) waiting for that loser to come back from tuition cause she told me she finishes at 6 instead of 7. -.- we're gonna go to the gym after that, with eelin too.
okay so today i went to OU and i felt so sad cos i wanted to buy a million things but i had so little money. so i'm gonna drag my mom there when she's in a good mood because I. NEED. TO. SHOP. seriously. my closet got nothing already. damn sad right i know.
probably going to school (late) tomorrow. i have only been to school ONCE ever since PMR ended. how cool is that? bahahah. yes, i'm such a pig. everyday eat sleep watch tv only. SHUTUP okayh.
what a mindless post. TWILIGHTTTTT!
oh. got tagged by people. cant remember who. heree.
1. Who are you?
2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
Sometimes I dream about it? 0_o
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
5. How many babies you want?
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
7. What is your goal for this year?
Doing well for PMR. NO DUH.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
9. What's a perfect boy/girlfriend like to you? (List 10)
Loyal, trustworthy, good looking (SORRY IM SUPERFICIAL), funny, intellectual, must be able to sing/play guitar, fit, responsible, patient, caring. basically he has to be able to balance me out.
10. What feeling do you love most?
Happiness, obviously. Moments of sheer bliss.
11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?
He has to be able to bring out the best in me and he shouldn't force me to do things I don't want to. Also, he has to be able to trust me.
12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people you hate ?
If you just called me a cunt in some other word like _____,
But after this you'll be the one sucking a whole lot of dicks
You brought my popularity ratings higher than ever,
Thank you, your whole bullshit comments have worked real clever!
thanks for the lyrics, uffie. :)
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Technically, yeah.
14. What does flying means to you?
15. What do you crave for the most currently?
To get out of here.
16. Who's hotter?Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?
CHACE CRAWFORD ALL THE WAY. he is a sexy beast.
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
Jamiee: Funny, smart, hot, skinny, fun. :D
Jasmine: Pretty, nicee, GULLIBLE :D, funny, sweet
(if anybody else tagged me, sorry, cause I can't remember anymore people and I'm too lazy to go to everyone's blog and read. k)
18. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
bought a scarf? today. hahah
19. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
That's for me to know.
20. What are your fear(s)?
Dying. End of the world.
Instructions: Tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
EVERYONE. im lazy.
ps: alison mosshart is hot.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The truth is hiding in your eyes, and it's hanging on your tongue, just boiling in my blood.
Jia Shern is teman-ing me because I am a loner with nobody to chat with. Tesh's watching Desperate Housewives. And I'm... blogging. Haha, such a loser. Anyway, I've been spending so much money it's not even funny. I've got to stop but everytime I see something pretty I can't stand buying it. Ugh. Especially at Bangsar! All the shoes..... :D
I've been going out constantly ever since PMR was over. Let me update you with a few pictures. There are loads more but I'm too lazy to upload them and they're all on Facebook anyway. Yes, see, a proper post after ages. Heh. Oh, the pictures and outings aren't in order.
The icky blurry pics were taken with Jas's phone so yeah.
Bangsar Blowouts
Oh, and I know it's kinda late. But thanks to everyone who attended especially to the ones who lived really far away from the hotel. And to the people who bought me presents, THANKYOU. :D
Last day of Magic