before i begin this post, i'd like to say thanks to the people who've been reading my fanfic and commenting me about it. if you haven't. READ IT. and tell me how it is.
i just did the most unbelievable thing ever. i. signed. up....
for neopets -.-
too bored/jobless already. also i've been eating like a bloody pig for the past week it's NOT even funny. might go to the gym with the loser tomorrow if she doesn't go seremban.
everyone's at prom right now -.- your probably wondering why i'm not there right?
prom + me= complete disaster.
if you haven't seen me in action, just ask any of my friends. specifically my classmates. jia shern says i'm clumsier than Bella. (though i dont even think that's possible.)
i'm incapable of dancing. i have never slow danced in my entire friggin life ok. so that would be embarassing too.
and there's also the fact that i seem to repel guys. hence the fact i cant get a boyfriend, what more a date.
yes. so sad i know. whatever okay. i just realized i havent posted a proper picture of myself in years.
BEFORE twilight came out. jas and eelin thought i was crazy already.
his mine bitches.

I HAVE NO FRIKKIN IDEA WHY MY CHEEKS LOOK SO CHUBBY IN THIS. they deserve a room of their own. really.
I HAVE NO FRIKKIN IDEA WHY MY CHEEKS LOOK SO CHUBBY IN THIS. they deserve a room of their own. really.
oh well.
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