(way old)
I've started school, and even though the hours are shorter than KDU (thank you, God) I'm still pretty much exhausted. Not used to waking up early again I suppose. Probably going to stay over Jasmine's house on Friday and I got invited for a birthday party this Saturday, and after I'm going out for din with Ely & all. Yayyy. I'm pretty excited for that.
My school? It's far more laid back then KDU will ever be. We're allowed to like, wear makeup and jewellery and listen to iPods in class and stuff (: I kid you notttt. The people there are pretty friendly too, but I still feel quite lost. Hahah. You would not believe how quiet I am there, I'm not even joking.
The nights have been spent on Skype. You should be able to guess with who if you frequently read my blog. So, yeah, that's probably all that's happening right now. I'll update again after the sleepover/party/outing or when I feel like crap or something.
i don't want to deny it anymore....
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