Saturday, March 7, 2009

we get along much better than you and your boyfriend.

Went for Sri KDU's Annual Sports Day yesterday, the first Sports Day in 4 years that I was not participating in anything. Now I'm grounded for two weeks (It's a long story that I really do not want to get into). The things I do for some people. I was supposed to go out on Monday and now i have no friggin' idea what to do. 

ANYWAY, congrats to Blue House and Yellow House for placing first and second for cheer. And congrats to Akram for getting Sportsman Of The Year. After Sports Day ended, a whole bunch of us piled into Elyas' car and the most retarded thing in the world happened...


We noticed it halfway when we were pulling out of the school, and Tesha was laughing I think. We dropped Akram home and left for Curve. Where the rest of the world was. Walkwalkwalk, met Jas & Eelin, left Jas and Eelin, and went off for lunch @ Sakae Sushi. I swear, everytime we go there it's ALWAYS sushi. Then, Elyas totally ditched us so we went to watch Marley and Me. Pretty good movie. The ending was so freaking saddd :(

I was pretty pissed off after the movie ended because I was freezing cold, it was freaking RAINING, and Elyas was nowhere to be found since he was watching another movie. Then Akram came down, we bought some shit from McD's, and just chilled for awhile while Tesh complained about how she couldn't feel her feet *insertstupidfacehere*. Blablabla,talktalktalk and Akram snuck us into Watchmen which I DID NOT ENJOY A SINGLE BIT. Too much gore and sex scenes in my opinion. Not my kind of movie.

Then the guys went to play pool while us girls just stoned. Jas, Eelin and I went for dinner at TGIF where Daniel joined us, and it was off back home. That was my dayy :D


feel free to post suggestions on my cbox or my comments page.

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