Friday, January 16, 2009

I skipped school today.

The reason behind it, I won't tell you. But I've been falling into a downward spiral these few days that I don't even know how to stop. When I'm around people, it's easy to smile. It's easy to laugh and talk and pretend that everything's okay... it's easy to just push everything that's bothering out of my mind. In a way, everything is okay. I'm not sick, I didn't just break up nor fight with anyone. Only my pathetic mind keeps shooting these irrevelant, unwanted thoughts into my head. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not PMS (like it usually is), and it's not the stress. I guess it's just maybe the fact that I tend to get uncomfortable with people (don't take this as an insult). It's crazy. I'm driving myself crazy. Things are just... crazy.

Tonight's going to be the exact same routine. Smile, laugh, talk, then come home and sink into this exact same chair and feel like crap. Then tomorrow, school again. Which I have to attend or I'll be so left behind. Sigh.

PS: Jas & Eelin, sorry if I messed up the experiment for Chem cus I didn't come.

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