First place we went to was Anaheim, Disneyland, Sheraton Hotel which served really good coffee and sandwiches. Disneyland was really pretty. Stayed there for around 2 nights and on the 3rd day, we drove to LA. Stayed in Hilton Universal Studios, and basically for we just explored Univerasl Studios. THE SIMPSONS RIDE IS FREAKING AWESOME OKAY! oh and Lil Wayne was performing there, in one of the theatres but i'm not a fan so...
Stayed in LA for can't remember how long, around 3 days too i guess. Shopped quite a bit, and ate a lot. The Mexican food in US is freaking AMAZING i tell you. Unfortunately, didnt bump into any celebritesjacksonrathbonecoughcough.
Then it was my favourite destination- VEGAS, BABY! Took the Greyhound from LA and my dad got left behind at a station, so he had to take another one. First time I rode a bus to somewhere far. but soon enough, we landed at Nevada, LV. Oh em gee I swear I love that place. Everything is just so... alive. Entertaining. Stayed in THE MIRAGE which was a really gorgeous hotel.
In Vegas, we watched 2 Cirque Du Soleil's and I was in complete awe with the whole thing. I mean, the dancing, the acrobatics... woah okay. We watched The Beatles- LOVE and Criss Angel- Believe. Mmhm. They own your mom okay. And to those who don't know what Cirque Du Soleil is, google it.
We just like walked around alot there, and I wanted to get hair extensions on the last day cause this girl recommended it to me but by the time we got there the shop was friggin' CLOSED. DAMN PISS ME OFF OKAY!
Then lastly, we were off to San Francisco via plane. Stopped at Oakland first, then San Fran. The pier there is pretty. Seafood there is totally YUM OKAY! Shrimps :) mmm. Went shopping like, A LOT here cause it was our last destination before we got back to KL.
I had a blast on the trip, and I think I grew fatter too-.- but nevermind. I spent New Year's on the plane but that doesnt really bother me so much since most of the people I know were at Curve getting blasted with that white spray stuff which I happen to loathe :) :)
And now, for the pictures.
Important note: View them from bottom to top cause I uploaded them wrongly.
See. I promised I'd post this and I did even though it took me FOREVER and I'm really annoyed cause of the uploader now. The things I do :) Bear in mind, this isn't even HALF the pictures I have, but they're the nicest ones and I don't want to have MY ugly pics on my blog :D

Alcatraz, The prison.

Pier. Boats. Beauty.

The super high steps we had to climb. -.-
My sister took this. REMINDS ME OF YES MAN XD
A tram.
Inside Caesar's Palace
Mom's blurry picture taking. Inside Caesar's Palace.
Parents inside.
Fountain show.
The sundae I finished practically myself. -.- I'd post the pic of the full one but I look fat.
Peek-a-boo :)
PCD Casino @ Caesar's.
Hotel in Vegas.
Rodeo Dr.
Rodeo Dr.
Mommy and I on Rodeo Dr.
Hollywood Bowl.
I look way stoned-.-
Dogs that are cuter than you :)

Walk of fame. Britney's back, bitch. 0_0
A not so hot version of Jack Sparrow. He can imitate the exact same voice though. The real Jack Sparrow= pirate sex on legs.

Night, more parades.
Cupcakes. Yes, I like food.

ELF!!!!!!! MY FAVOURITE CAUSE SHE LOOKS LIKE A PIXIE. I took so many pictures of the elves but I doubt you wanna see elves!! :D
and pixies remind me of Alice. and Tinkerbell. I'll go as a pixie for halloween this year.
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